"A brand is the set of expectations, memories, stories and relationships that, taken together, account for a consumer’s decision to choose one product or service over another."- Seth GodinHiring in 2022 will require strong emphasis and focus to gain improved candidate response rates, candidate quality, and finally -> robust hires. The great resignation has create an interesting impact in candidate behaviors through internal soul searching for the right type of role that matches the individual more closely. While this phenomenon has create a few unknowns for the talent teams globally, what we do know is that now is the time to focus your messaging on your company's value proposition to attract the best hires. Research conducted around social media impact of advertising roles shows that the following should be considered carefully (Keppeler, 2020):
- Send convincing signals that give insight into your company
- Consider targeted and specific communication for "audiences" that you are wanting to attract from
- Hiring has to be thought through more strategically for longer term success